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Seeker: In order to move ourselves from mundane to magical, we need to change ourselves. We need to become magical people—witches. 

This is a big ask. 

Most people don’t change because it’s hard. Habits must be broken. Old beliefs and ways of seeing the world must be discarded. New habits and beliefs must be adopted. Practice is necessary. 

It isn’t easy. In fact, it can be overwhelming. 

This is why we’ve broken the process into bite-sized tasks, repeated over time. When we start small, we don’t get overwhelmed. We grow more confident with our small successes. And when we repeat these changes on a daily basis, the effects compound over time. They become habit. Our skills grow subtly but substantially. And one day, we will look back and realize we weren’t the person we were. Our way of being has changed and our world has changed around us in response. We will see the magic in the world and in ourselves, and we will wield it easily with love and joy. Your ability to create change and to enjoy the changed world that you create is your source of power. 

The incantations, the crystals, the candles, are all tools to focus our desires and intentions to make magic. But without the mental and spiritual foundation for the work, they won’t do much. To make magic, first we must become witches. 

This book of magic contains in-depth emails from the Doyle Witch mystery school, with lessons connected to the UnTarot deck. (UnTarot app included). It is a supplement to The Mystery School series of contemporary metaphysical novels by Kirsten Weiss.

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Witches' Wisdom Unveiled

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